Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Agriculture is the pillar towards the development of human kind. Ancient civilizations relied on their agricultural propelled strength for wealth and power in conquering other kingdoms. Egypt had its hope on the river Nile flooding and to the Egyptian monarchy, feeding the people was a priority as was seen in the many wheat silos that were built all over. Earliest inventions were geared towards improvements of agriculture as was the invention of the wheel in Mesopotamia. Agriculture has resulted to many revolutions in the world like the French revolution where peasant farmers turned against the ruling regime. The Agrarian revolution saw the birth of modern day agriculture techniques while ancient, renaissance and modern artists have widely depicted agriculture themes in their fine art works and music. Food is important and the saddest thing to a mother is when she looks at her new born face and realizes that she cannot feed the child. Like money, land cannot be multiplied, nevertheless this quote puts it well “planting your own food is like printing your own money”. The call for a well established agricultural system is of great concern hence the need for better farming techniques that can only be attained through modern training. It is with the latter reason that Kilimo Hub was set up under the auspices of Musa Veterinary Clinic. Kilimo Hub is derived from a Swahili and English words,”Kilimo” meaning agriculture and Hub refers to a centre. Kilimo Hub is a charity initiative (non-profit initiative) by Musa veterinary clinic that aims at providing agricultural know how to farmers at an affordable rate. Further more Kilimo Hub aims at bringing to the table the various stake holders in the agriculture industry around the world. The trainings will be take place on specified time that will be communicated to the interested individuals well in advance .Training sessions will be conducted by selected specialists. The trainings will be held at Musa Veterinary Clinic offices. The office is centrally placed in the heart of Wangige town, lower Kabete, central Kenya making it accessible to the attendants. Kilimo Hub will also house a book and computer library where farmers can walk in and get information.